Leighton Associates
Employment law and AML research and reporting
Te Rangahau ture Mahi me te tari Purongo
leightonassociatesnz@gmail.com Demystifying employment law since 2019

Members' expertise
Non-lawyer advocate
Some members legally qualified
Statistical analysis
Small business including trades
Workplace Health and Safety
Litigants/respondents in person
Submissions to regulatory bodies
Leighton Associates is a think tank not a commercial entity, and these blog posts don't necessarily reflect the views of all contributors.
We are also not a lobby group - any member who lobbies Ministers etc does so in their personal capacity.
Leighton Associates believe that free expression is vital to justice and to democracy, and that the free exchange of information that is accurate, fair and thorough about employment law and practice in New Zealand is vital to a healthy working environment.
Leighton Associates declares these principles as the foundation of its ethical research and reporting:
Reports and posts on the Leighton Associates website may be by Leighton Associates or by members of the public. Leighton Associates will take responsibility for ensuring to the best of its ability that posts reflect a fair range of opinion and are not unlawful, misleading or offensive.
Research and reporting undertaken by Leighton Associates will be accurate and fair. Leighton Associates will be honest and courageous in obtaining, reporting and analysing information. Sources of information will be identified and acknowledged as appropriate.
Anonymity will be reserved for those who have information unobtainable elsewhere and who otherwise may face harm. The choice of anonymity should be explained.
Subjects who are criticised or alleged to have done wrong will be given an opportunity to respond. Information will be updated as appropriate.
Material will be sought openly, unless that will not yield information that is vital to the public.
Those with power, who abuse that power will be held accountable. The voiceless will be given a voice.
Leighton Associates supports the civil exchange of views, whatever they are.
Leighton Associates seeks to ensure that public business and legal process are open and that public records are open to all. Leighton Associates supports and will assist access to source material when relevant and appropriate.
Leighton Associates does not deliberately distort facts or context of any material. Reports are considered for personal bias and how to counter it. Leighton Associates always attributes.
The need for information is balanced against potential harm or distress. Leighton Associates will not use the need to report the truth as an excuse for undue intrusiveness. Leighton Associates has compassion for those affected by reporting.
Leighton Associates recognises that the right of access to information is not the same as an ethical justification for treating it. The right of private persons to control information about themselves is greater than that of those who seek power, control of public resources, influence or attention.
Leighton Associates is mindful of the implications of publication in terms of reach and permanence.
Leighton Associates holds that the highest obligation in research and reporting is to serve the public.
Conflicts of interests, real or perceived, are to be avoided. Unavoidable conflicts are to be disclosed.
Leighton Associates does not accept favours and does not take advertising.
Leighton Associates takes responsibility for explaining decisions on research and reporting and for explaining its ethical choices and processes.
Leighton Associates welcomes information enabling corrections and clarifications to be made promptly.
Leighton Associates will expose unethical conduct in its field of research and reporting.