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Post Office witness timetable and link to Inquiry YouTube channel

Updated: Apr 7, 2024

Phase 5/6 of the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry starts Tuesday 9 April.  The real Alan Bates is up first, and Paula Vennells is at the end of the first half (Week 7).  The hearings will be streamed on the Inquiry’s YouTube channel.

The official link to the Inquiry website is here: Homepage | Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry ( A half term one week break is scheduled for 25 May to 2 June and we have only listed the first half below, with a few abbreviations but without emphasis or links to other published material.

Week 1:

Tue 9 April - Alan Bates - former sub-postmaster (SPM) and Founder of the Justice for Subpostmasters Alliance

Wed 10 April - The Rt. Hon. Lord Arbuthnot - former MP of NE Hampshire and Member of the Horizon Compensation Advisory Board

Thu 11 April - David Smith - former Managing Director of Post Office Ltd (POL), and Sir Michael Hodgkinson, former Chair of POL

Fri 12 April - Alan Cook - former Managing Director of (POL) and Adam Crozier - former CEO of Royal Mail Group Ltd

Week 2:

Tue 16 April - David Miller - former COO of POL, and David Mills - former CEO of POL

Wed 17 April - Jon Longman - former PO Investigator, and Allan Leighton - former Chair of POL

Thu 18 and Fri 19 April - Rodric Williams - former litigation lawyer at POL and current Head of Legal

Week 3:

Tue 23 April - Susan Crichton - former Company Secretary and General Counsel of POL

Wed 24 April - Chris Aujard - former General Counsel of POL

Thu 25 and Fri 26 April - Angela van den Bogerd - former People Services Director at POL and Director for the Branch Support Program

Week 4:

Tue 30 April - Hugh Flemington - former Head of Legal at POL, and Harry Bowyer - Barrister and former employee of Cartright King Solicitors

Wed 1 and Thu 2 May - Martin Smith - Solicitor and former employee of Cartright King, and Simon Clarke - Barrister and former Senior Counsel at Cartright King

Fri 3 May - Jarnail Singh - Solicitor and former lawyer at Royal Mail Group and POL

Week 5:

Tue 7 May - Patrick Bourke - former Policy Director at POL, and Belinda Cortes-Martin (Crowe) - former Program Director of Project Sparrow at POL

Wed 8 May - Brian Altman KC - Barrister

Thu 9 and Fri 10 May - Andrew Parsons - Partner at Womble Bond Dickinson, and Rod Ismay - former Head of Product and Branch Accounting at POL

Week 6:

Tue 14 May - Mark Davies - former Corporate Affairs Director at POL

Wed 15 May - Chris Day - former CFO of POL

Thu 16 May - Lesley Sewell - former CIO at POL, and Martin Edwards - former Group Strategy Director of POL

Fri 17 May - Alisdair Cameron - CFO of POL

Week 7:

Tue 21 May - Alwen Lyons - former Company Secretary of POL

Wed 22 to Fri 24 May - Paula Vennells - former Group CEO of POL

(Half Term 25 May to 2 June; closing statements are scheduled for Friday 26 July)

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